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S. Pellegrino 120 years celebration

S. Pellegrino 120 years celebration

For two weeks, we have organized a status event meeting the high scenario requirements from Milan, the premium nature of the brand and the discerning audience.


S.Pellegrino invited businessmen, restaurants and secular persons to introduce them with a 120-year history of a premium brand and present the anniversary bottle of sparkling water with diamond faces. For the event, it was necessary to adapt the scenario of the event held in Milan Palazzo Ducale, and to realize it at the highest level.


The event of the brand, which is deservedly considered to be an international icon of taste and elegance, should be presented perfectly in every detail: from picky choice of dishes with an exacting team of the chef, until the full transfiguration of the site.
Cantinetta Antinori, an Italian restaurant became a place of action. For a premium dinner, we completely replaced furniture and filled the interior details which created a feeling of transparency and ease.

The Italian history of 120 years was represented in four chapters, which were accompanied by visual effects and culinary masterpieces from the chef. All program blocks are minimized synchronized with the work of the kitchen. Any delay could become a danger to the dishes.

Each chapter included the show-presentation of special artifacts. A particular atmosphere of blocks transferred guests to the Alpine foothills, where sparkling water comes from, then fascinated on a journey through the world capitals, where S.pellegrino became synonymous with Italian style and lifestyle. Stages of S. Pellegrino developments were presented at dinner with gastronomic sets by Davide Oldani, the owner of the Michelin star . Products for sets were delivered from Italy.

All the blocks of the program are minimized synchronized with the work of the kitchen, because risotto, which was prepared longer for one minute – no more risotto

The evening apotheosis was the presentation of a new limited bottle with diamond faces, designed to decorate the most exclusive events of S.Pellegrino of this year.


An anniversary bottle was encountered by applause and flashbulbs. Guests enthusiastically responded about immersion in the atmosphere, interpretation of dishes, and gladly shared their impressions on social networks. The guests of the evening were Arkady Novikov, Maria Fiodorova, Сhief Editor of Vogue Russia , Daniel Medvedev, tennis player , Albina Dzhanabaeva, Julianna Karaulova, Elena Kryglina and many others. We received gratitude from the chef for excellent bilateral cooperation, and the heads of Sanpellegrino, the Russian representative office, honored the organization of the highest assessment.

Every project is unique, please, tell us about your one, we can help to create an event responsible your wishes.


