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1000 days to victory, marathon

1000 days to victory, marathon

DOW, a diversified chemical company, is a global partner for the 2014 Olympic Games that took place in the city of Sochi. The company works in the field of science and technology, combined with the “human element” for the benefit of the progress of mankind. The company’s management turned to us with an interesting task: to integrate the celebration of Chemist’s Day into the format of the Olympic Movement.


Thus, the concept of the marathon of 1000 days to victory was born, it became a marathon under the auspices of the fundamental element of the chemical table – Human Element.

The territory of the Faculty of Chemistry of Moscow State University was chosen as the venue. The site perfectly symbolizes the main ideas of the company, uniting science and a human as the main element, the driver of achievements “for the benefit of the progress of mankind”.

As part of the event, we organized a professional relay race track 1000 meters long, where everyone could take part. We provided a professional refereeing staff. We created a separate track and activity zones for the youngest participants. We organized performances by representatives of the sports community, held a press conference and a closing evening show program with the participation of celebrities.

1000 days – 1000 meters to victory at the Olympic Games in Sochi.


The concept of 1000 days to victory let it be possible to combine the professional holiday and events dedicated to the opening of the Olympic Games in Sochi in 2014. The event collected together more than 3,000 students, professors, company employees with their families and made everyone to become part of the Olympic Movement Thanks to the involvement of the professional community of chemists, journalists, athletes, it was possible to ensure the scale of the event and high citation in mass-media.

Every project is unique, please, tell us about your one, we can help to create an event responsible your wishes.


